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This was the first time in 6 years I am completely happy with where my body is right now. I focused on building strong mindset and incorporating balance into life. The first year I stop eating clean and learning how to have good relationship with food. Desserts after meal enjoying what I do at work, better quality time with family, enjoying the training, make time with better friends and understanding that I don't have to be in an extreme 24/7 to look the way I want.  Most importantly, not living to live up to extreme standards of others. 

First year to take that courage to show up training 4x at the gym, going back to foundational work on stability and mobility, courage to reduce weights, courage to allow myself taking breaks so my body and mind can recover properly before I take on another task. Special mention to my dearest trainer, Sebastian for being there for me, imparting knowledge ever so patiently, supporting me through changes, accommodating my bizarre training requests. I can't thank him enough.

Erika, Head of Risk Advisory Consultancy, Selangor


I've been with several trainers in the past but training with Sebastian, there was truly a lot of  "gains". Fitness knowledge, knowing nutrition. Most importantly, understanding muscles. Training with Sebastian taught me how to build a strong foundation and maintain proper form to go further and pain-free. The result speak for itself. At the age of 44, nothing is impossible. Age is just a word and I'm very proud if where I am right now. I strongly recommend Sebastian to anyone who's looking for a change.

Patrick, Kuala Lumpur

Investing experienced and knowledgable fitness coach is one of my best investment I have done so far. I hired Coach Sebastian to help with my powerlifting journey. So far, my squat, deadlift and bench press improved a lot in terms of technique, and numbers. Moreover, it is more stable and smooth. The weight that I lifted in the Powerlifting meet is now my workout weight. I am pleased about that!!

Coach Sebastian is a coach who pays attention to every detail of my movement and very particular when it comes to a training program. He gave me mobility drills to address my particular weakness and address tight muscle. One thing I appreciate about him is brutally honest when it comes to my exercise movement. If it is not right, he is not afraid to tell you it is not right. Furthermore, his training program is sustainable to my lifestyle as a husband, father-to-be, engineer, strength coach, and athlete.

Coach Sebastian is the coach you should hire if you want to improve your strength and to make it sustainable to your lifestyle. Thank you, Coach!

**Video above showing Marvin's improvement in squat. Left is the "AFTER" and Right is the "BEFORE". He is able to squat this competition PR for more reps now after completing a few mesocycles with the coach.

Marvin, Engineer/Strength Coach, Sarawak


I first started training with Sebastian back around Oct 2019 as I was fed up with constant neck and occasional back pain. He helped me a lot with basic movements first then progressively to strength training. Sebastian emphasizes on getting the foundation right so I can say is give it time and be dedicated to the training given. Definitely recommended to start your fitness journey with Sebastian.

Mike, Selangor


I have been training with Sebastian for almost 3 years now, and I believe he is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable personal coach in the industry. I started training with him with zero knowledge about strength training, weak body and chubby in shape. 

Sebastian is focused on helping me achieve my goals and makes every session challenging but rewarding. I have gone through all the difficulty and dizziness during my workout due to my low blood pressure condition. He ensures that my technique is always correct to avoid any injuries.

I am truly happy that my fitness level has increased noticeably and I've seen improvements in my ability to complete more push-ups/pull-ups, lift progressively heavier weights and getting stronger/healthier day by day. He also taught me a lot about mindset, nutrition and keeping a positive attitude and for that I am extremely grateful.

I would recommend Sebastian to anyone interested in setting a foundations for improved fitness and living a healthier lifestyle.

Alrease, Selangor.

Photo from Sebastian_edited.jpg

Sebastian is not your average trainer - his no bullshit, straightforward attitude with a side of humour makes every session of training fun and 100% effective. He pushes u when u need it, but also tells you to slow down when it’s necessary. I’ve trained with numerous PTs from commercial gyms and otherwise, I was always consistent with my workouts but never have I seen so much improvement and progress physically and mentally in myself. Trust Sebastian’s method and process, you won’t regret it cuz over the long term you’ll definitely see positive progress.

Vicki, Personal Trainer/Fitness Instructor, Selangor

Photo from Sebastian (1).jpg

The choice to make fitness a habitual part of my life is one of the greatest decisions I’ve ever made. I started fitness in 2015, being “fit”, I always felt a miss! Why am I not achieving my end goals despite many hard works? Why can’t I do push-ups, pull ups, and heavy squats. I'm grateful to cross path with my Mentor and Coach Sebastian, an altruistic person and expert in Corrective Exercise and Strength Training and a fabulous Photographer! “Straighten the body BEFORE strengthening it” - He taught! A valuable lesson learned! 
I met Sebastian when I got injured at my ankle from the Viper challenge. Recovery took a year unable to workout. I lost my lower body strength and feared all crazy adventurous races I loved the most. 

Sebastián’s Corrective Exercise helped in assessing and determine the root cause of imbalances and faulty movement patterns that lead to issues with my posture, balance, and total body coordination. He identified a rounded shoulder, tight hip flexor, and stiff elbow from a childhood injury that I never ever realized. Today I enjoy my workout with no stress put on my body by mastering how to handle the load by reducing the risk of future injury.
Today at the age of 47 my PR are deadlifts 70kg, hip trust 110kg , back squats 50kg!

Shameena, Fashion Designer/Personal Trainer, Kuala Lumpur


I enjoyed training with Sebastian because he designed the program with purpose. It is not about sweating it out. Every exercise/movement is explained, and he emphasizes on proper form and right mindset.

Of course, there was results. I managed to increase my strength  and toned up my body. Before training with him, I never did a single hip thrust, but after being coached for only 8 months, I could do 80kg hip thrusts.

Another bonus is, you get to listen to some cold lame jokes during the rest intervals.

Juli, Personal Trainer/Educator for Early Childhood, Selangor

Humble, committed and experienced coach. Firm and strict,  emphasise on good forms and alignment all the time.Always get motivated by his super motivating comment during final sets of training..." You are stronger than you think". 

**VIdeo showing Tracy's best lifts with her hip thrust at 100kg and deadlift at 60kg

Tracy, Personal Trainer/Fitness Instructor, Kuala Lumpur

I have been training with Sebastian or as I like to call him “sifu” for over a year. At the beginning I was lazy and slacking around but then with the little that he asked me to do at the initial stages I saw difference in my body, with my energy, my posture and even my back issues. As time went on I just started to like going to the gym training with Sebastian a lot and I look forward to training with him on all my training days. 

Over the last year and more, I have more confidence in my body,I used to be quite skinny and lean, liked to wear baggy clothes because I wasn’t confident enough with my body, now I’m confident to wear tighter clothes and not be ashamed of how my body shape is. I have more strength to be on the field and play my game of football even better than I used to. My energy levels are high through out the whole day, preciously I’d be tired by mid day. I had back issues before I started with Sebastian and now I am doing deadlifts with more weights than I weigh myself. I hip thrust 100+ kg and on my way to hit 150 soon, I know I can hit that mark because Sebastian has grown that confidence in me. 

I would say he is one of the most experienced and well trained personal trainers I’ve had and met. His exercises are very well catered and curated to each person based on their capacity, strength energy and the exercises pushes you to do better. I would definitely recommend and suggest him to anyone who’s looking to reach their goals and improving their way of life without all those crazy diets.

Sabri, Kuala Lumpur

I’m a no pain no gain kind of person in the gym until my left side of my lower back down to my feet (the feeling comes and go) has been injured and in constant discomfort for almost 4 years now. Then, I get Sebastian, my super duper coach (eventhough I’m trainer myself), he consulted me from A to Z.
Sebastian then provide me a thorough assessment (such as ankle mobility, hamstring tightness, feet stability and list goes on) to find out what is causing my discomfort.

First, I’m told to do self-myofascial release (SMR) and several stretching techniques to release possible tight muscle that causes the tightness and discomfort. Then, I’m given a list of feet/ knee/ lower back stability works to practice on every day! Next, I’m guided with extreme ‘detailed’ techniques on lifting weight (such as deadlift, squat and so on) each time I see him, until then I felt so much relief (that pressure and tightness) off my lower left side of my body (cause normally I’ll feel extreme discomfort on my lower back and hip the next day after lower body workout which I think: WELL, man up man cause NO PAIN NO GAIN, actually, when you’re in pain, please acknowledge it, seriously and get professional help as soon as possible)

As a trainer myself, it’s no doubt that proper resistance training must really be combined with proper physiotherapy and chiropractic care to treat whatever possible cause of discomfort. I strongly believe developing adequate muscles power and joint health (stability joint and mobility joint) are equally important!
Don’t train to look good outside only (6 packs), take care of the inside (joint health, hypertonicity (tightness) of muscle) as well!Get yourself professionals (certified personal trainer is important) to help you move and feel better, not someone that blindly killing you in the gym or trainer that worship IG models!
Thanks for saving my life, Sebastian

Nico, Personal Trainer, Kuala Lumpur


Are you psyched up to see your own change?

Having the physical ability to train is a privilege!

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